The Urge to Stop “Inhumane” Deportation Raids

Lawmakers across the country are pushing back against the nationwide immigration raids recently authorized by the Obama administration, which affect Central American families and unaccompanied minors who are desperate to avoid being deported back to dangers in their home country. The White House is justifying its operations due to fears about the increasing number of immigrants showing up at the southern U.S. borders According to the Department of Homeland security (DHS) Secretary Jeh Johnson, ICE will carry out additional enforcement operations “as appropriate.” The Obama Administration insists that all immigrants targeted have final orders of removal. But many lawyers and advocates are concerned the immigrants aren’t given sufficient due process. At least 20 people taken in the immigration operation have already been granted a temporary reprieve from deportation, allowing them enough time to appear before immigration court. If you find your self a target of an inhuman deportation raid, John Hykel can help you get your temporary reprieve so that you too gain the opportunity you deserve to appear in immigration court.
On June 8, 2016, Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Patrick Leahy (D-VT) led 24 Senate Democrats in urging the President to end the deportation raids targeting Central Americans and consider designating Guatemala and re-designating El Salvador and Honduras for Temporary Protected Status. “We urge the Administration not to focus its scarce resources on deporting vulnerable individuals who have no criminal record and were not represented by counsel during their removal proceedings,” they said. (Full text of letter is reprinted below).
Full text can be seen at:
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