3 Things Immigrants Don’t Have to Fear

Covid-19 has created a lot of fear and uncertainty, especially for immigrants. Many immigrants aren’t taking certain actions which could help them because they are afraid of complicating their situation or creating consequences they’re not prepared to face.
That’s why we wanted to take a moment to go over some of the things which immigrants do not have to fear.
#1) Filing for Unemployment
NPR recently ran a report which indicated some immigrants are afraid to file for unemployment for fear of losing their green cards. Much of this uncertainty has been sparked by the new “public charge” rules which penalize some immigrants for taking advantage of welfare programs like Medicaid and public housing.
Fortunately, unemployment insurance is not a welfare benefit. If you have been working, legally, in the United States and are eligible it is an earned benefit. It’s a form of insurance you’ve been paying into all along.
That means you cannot be penalizing for accepting it and should apply as quickly as possible if you happen to need it.
#2) Getting a Covid-19 Test
ICE will not be targeting hospitals or testing stations. Immigrants across the nation are being encouraged to seek out and receive necessary medical care.
Fortunately, testing, prevention, or treatment for Covid-19 won’t be used against immigrants in a public charge test. If you think you have the virus, seek the care you need when you need it.
For right now, it’s more important for you to survive than it is for you to worry about public charge issues anyway.
#3) For Immigrant Doctors, Practicing Telemedicine
H-1B visa holding doctors are allowed to practice telemedicine. If your employer wants to move you to a different hospital to help out with the Covid-19 pandemic this is also now allowed under recent changes to USCIS policy.
This is one of many concessions USCIS is making to the current reality.
Don’t assume. Ask.
When you have a good immigration attorney on your side you don’t have to worry about what you can and can’t do. You can just call and ask, ensuring an action you’re contemplating won’t complicate or endanger your immigration status. You can also figure out what actions to take in response to rapid changes in laws and policies.
The team at John Hykel Law is ready to help. If you haven’t retained our services, call (215) 405-0555 to get started today.
See also:
Immigration Hiring During the Covid-19 Crisis
In the News: Immigration Remains Intertwined With the Covid-19 Pandemic
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